Springtime at the Happy Sound of Saturday Sharefest

I adore Link Parties. Seeing what everyone else puts up is so inspiring to me. Everyone is so amazing in so many different ways and it brings joy to my heart. So I am starting the Happy Sounds of Saturday Sharefest to *hopefully* be able to see even more of y’alls beautiful posts.
Heritage Home Ec Happenings
This week I shared 8 Home Economics Skills That Your May Not Have Learned in School. If you are like me, high school home ec class was one-half sewing, and then one-half cooking. A lot of Home Economics skills weren’t even brought into it. Honestly, I can see how they had to condense the curriculum.

I also took the time to share my 5 Simple Steps for Meal Planning Success. I would be lost without my meal plan. Between working full-time, working on the blog, and dealing with all the household chores and projects, not having the stress of what is for dinner to deal with is gold.

I also have my What’s For Dinner? Meal Planner available. It’s an entire year’s planner to help aid you in making a meal plan that actually works. Check it out here.

Happy Sound of Saturday Sharefest Rules
- Only home economics-type posts, please. This includes crafts, home improvement, food & recipes, gardening, meal planning, budgeting, etc.
- Link to your individual post, not your home page or store. Please limit links to 3 per person.
- No ads or giveaway posts please unless it is specifically home economics-related.
- Show some love to your fellow party-goers. Please visit at least 2 other posts. Comments and shares are a wonderful support to your friends here!
- Not mandatory, but I would love for you to follow me on any of my social media sites. Find me here: | Facebook | IG | Pinterest | Twitter |
By linking up, you are giving us the right to use your images in featured posts.
If you find us, please help us get word out about our link party. I love seeing everyone’s creativity. And, like any good party, the more the merrier.
Happy Sound of Saturday Sharefest opens at 7pEST Friday and closes at 7pEST Monday.

Thanks for being here! Hope you are having a great weekend!