6 Common Canning Problems Solved

Even when you follow the directions step by step, problems can arise when you are canning food. If the color looks off, or if your food is floating above the liquid, check for these common mistakes to troubleshoot what went wrong and how to fix it.
Why Did the Canned Food Turn Dark?
If your once vibrant-colored food is now a darker shade, don’t panic. It may still be edible. First, rule out the possibility of spoilage. Make sure that your jar is still sealed properly. If the jar was canned less than 24 hours ago, you can remove an improperly sealed lid and reprocess the jar. Just make sure to use a new jar and lid.
The discoloration may only be caused by too much air in the jar. It typically does not mean that the food is spoiled. Make sure the lid is sealed properly and continue.

Why is the Liquid in the Jar Cloudy?
Unripe foods could cause cloudiness, which could also indicate that the food has been spoiled. If the entire liquid, not just the bottom, is murky, and the food is soft, it is safest to dispose of the contents just in case. It is better to be safe than sorry in this situation.
Why is the Fruit Jam too soft or too hard?
First, check the recipe. Jams and jellies are very picky about exact measurements. Using the wrong amount of pectin, or too much fruit juice could result in too soft jelly. If the fruit was not cooked long enough, it could also result in soft jelly. Inversely, cooking the fruit too long could result in too firm jelly.
Be sure to use fruit at proper ripeness. Overripe fruit may result in soft jelly. Luckily, soft jelly is safe to eat and can be used in desserts or on pancakes in place of syrup.

Why is the Fruit Floating Above the Liquid?
Following the recipe is the key to avoiding floating fruit. But fruit floating about the liquid does not mean that you cannot eat it. Fruit that floats could be due to processing for too long, processing at too high of a temperature, or pureeing food before heating it. These missteps could destroy the pectin in the recipe.
Why Did the Food Lose Liquid During Processing?
This is a common canning problem, especially when canning meat. If your canned food has lost a lot of liquid, it won’t spoil and will still be safe to eat. However, any food that is not submerged in liquid could become discolored and dry during storage.
Some common reasons for losing liquid are jars that were filled too full, improperly calibrated gauges on a pressure canner, or jars removed from the canner too quickly. Also, some starchy foods like potatoes and beans often absorb the liquid.

My Lid Won’t Open!
Some stored items may give you a hard time when you try to reopen them from the pantry. In particular, sugars and other ingredients can form a “cement” that makes removing the lid seem like breaking into a bank vault. To get into that treasure, simply place the jar upside down in a bowl of warm water. After a few minutes, the band should loosen up and you will be able to remove it more easily.
Most canning problems have simple fixes. You will get better the longer you practice home canning. But even the most seasoned home canner can have problems when canning at home. Do not get discouraged. Practice makes perfect.
5 Signs That Your Food Has Gone Bad Printable
Get the downloadable PDF to hang near your canning area or in your pantry so that everyone in your household knows what to look for as they are choosing jars.
Want more canning content? Check out some more of our canning posts and recipes here.