
Organizing Your Day: Making Your Agenda into Your Schedule

Organizing Your Day: Creating Your Schedule- Heritage Home Ec Get step-by-step instructions on how to create your daily schedule from your agenda... making sure that your long-term goals are met. | Organizing | Daily Schedule | Time Management | Home Economics |

Your agenda is a list of things you want to accomplish each day. Your daily schedule is a timeline that describes exactly how you will go about doing this.

This post will be filled with step-by-step instructions on how to use your agenda to create your schedule.

writing in a planner to get more organized

Action Goal: Making Your Agenda into Your Daily Schedule

On a piece of paper copy over your agenda from the previous post. Start off with the time you plan on waking up every day (see Scheduling Your Sleep) Next to each daily goal, write down an estimated time frame. Think about how long it would take to most optimally complete this task. If you feel like a certain goal takes up a lot of energy, you can add a 10-30 minute break into your schedule. End your schedule with the time you plan on going to sleep.

My Daily Schedule:

Wake Up (8:30a)

Journaling (8:40–8:50)

Hygiene (8:50–9:00)

Check Emails/Blog Tasks (9:00–11:00)

Daily Household Tasks (11:00–12:00)

Getting Ready For/Driving To/Working (12:00 – 11:00p)

Cooking/Eating (11:00 – 11:30)

Time with Hubby (11:30 – 12:30)

Journaling (12:30 – 12:40)

Hygiene (12:40–12:50)

Sleep (1:00)

Notice how my daily schedule covers all of the daily goals that I need to achieve my long-term goals.

woman at desk working on her phone

Long Term Goals

The long term goals I have are:

To build up my business–and I accomplish that by working on it for 2 hours every day. My weekend schedule looks different when I do not have to leave the house to go to my day job.

To stay healthy–I accomplish this by cooking homemade food.

And to stay happy–I accomplish this by journaling and having time with my husband every day.

Now It’s Your Turn

Follow the same format as the one above and create your own daily schedule. It’s important that you have this schedule on paper. Make sure all of the daily goals that you need to achieve your long-term goals are included in your daily schedule.

NOTE: After you’ve written up your daily schedule you should stick it someplace that you can often. I personally keep my schedule in my planner, accompanied by daily household tasks that need to be completed. I can easily see what needs to be done in that block of my schedule.

Organizing Your Day: Creating Your Schedule- Heritage Home Ec Get step-by-step instructions on how to create your daily schedule from your agenda... making sure that your long-term goals are met. | Organizing | Daily Schedule | Time Management | Home Economics |
Organizing Your Day: Creating Your Schedule- Heritage Home Ec Get step-by-step instructions on how to create your daily schedule from your agenda... making sure that your long-term goals are met. | Organizing | Daily Schedule | Time Management | Home Economics |

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