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7 Reasons to Start Using a Planner

Using a planner keeps you more organized. Never forget anything again by applying these 7 reasons why you need to start using a planner. | Home Economics | Time Management | Family Management | Home Management | Planning |

We are a seriously fast-paced society. With so many different things going on, plus trying to keep up with everything on your to-do list, it’s no wonder we go to bed scared that we forgot something or with our mind racing with worry about what we have to do tomorrow. Using a planner regularly can help keep you more organized. Never forget anything again by applying these 7 reasons to start using a planner.

Time Management

We all struggle with trying to find enough time in the day to get everything done. Take out the 8 hours at work. Another 8 hours to sleep. That really doesn’t leave us a lot of time in the day to do much of anything.

By writing down what needs to be done, and when, you can make the most of the time you do have. There is no more wasted time forgetting to run an errand and having to go back out of the house. This one is crucial for me being 20 minutes away from town. I waste an hour a day if I forget to do something while I’m out. I use my planner even in my car so that all my errands get ran in one trip.


While many people think of productivity as it relates to their job, you also want to be productive at home. This could include getting cleaning and home organization done, or working on projects you keep putting it off.

Regardless of what it is, a planner can help you to stay on track with each individual task you need to complete and encourages you to move on to the next one efficiently.

Part of home economics is managing your home, time, and family. Using a planner can be a vital tool to keep your home running smoothly.


The biggest source of stress most of us has is the sense of being overwhelmed. There is just so much to do. So many things could easily be forgotten. Having things written down all in one place for quick reference gives you a peace of mind that nothing will get overlooked.

Writing down appointments as they are made helps you remember at the beginning of the week so that you aren’t rushing to get a gift for that party that you forgot about.

Health Management

As you might imagine, planners help you stay healthy in a wide range of ways. It helps your physical health by helping you track things like diet and exercise, you can schedule regular doctor and dentist appointments, and make sure you are getting enough fresh air and vitamin D by scheduling days spent outdoors. You get mental health benefits by reducing stress and anxiety. Or even having journaling pages for when you just need a good brain dump.

Family management and home economics go hand in hand. Be the best homemaker you can by using a planner to manage your home.

Recording Events

Another way to use a planner is to keep track of tasks, appointments, and notes. For example, sometimes I can’t make the cats’ next veterinary appointment when I pick them up because there is so much barking and commotion. If I forget when their last appointment was, I can flip back a few months in my planner and see when they’re due for a checkup or vaccination. 

Ditto for keeping track of when I last saw a specific friend or family member. Ask anyone who uses a planner—this comes in handy!

Family Management

Having a central location for family events and such can be a lifesaver. Not only does it keep us on time to things, but writing them down as I commit to something helps me to plan ahead and never feel like I’m rushing.

For example, say your daughter has a Valentine’s Day party at school and asks if you will make your famous heart cupcakes for her to take. When it’s written down ahead of time, over the weekend you can flip to the week ahead, see that these need baked and plan time for the weekend to bake and frost. No more staying up until 1am and sacrificing sleep to make sure that you honor your commitment.

This also comes in handy to keep my husband organized. If I see that he has an appointment on a certain day, not only can I remind him at the beginning of the week, but I send him a text that day to remind him to be ready and what time to be somewhere.

Keep track of your home and family by using a planner.

Meal Planning

Some days are crazier than others. Having a game plan for what else is happening on any given day and having the ability to plan ahead for how long I will have to get dinner on the table is a lifesaver. Say we have to take the car in to get some work done. That cuts into my time to cook dinner. Knowing ahead of time that I will need something quick to serve helps me plan what to make.

I’m going to be completely honest here and tell you that most days like that, I plan for something in the Crockpot so that it is just ready when I walk in the door.

For more on Meal Planning, check out my posts here.

Using a planner keeps you more organized. Never forget anything again by applying these 7 reasons why you need to start using a planner. | Home Economics | Time Management | Family Management | Home Management | Planning |
Using a planner keeps you more organized. Never forget anything again by applying these 7 reasons why you need to start using a planner. | Home Economics | Time Management | Family Management | Home Management | Planning |
Using a planner keeps you more organized. Never forget anything again by applying these 7 reasons why you need to start using a planner. | Home Economics | Time Management | Family Management | Home Management | Planning |

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